Friday, February 18, 2011

It's only 3 1/2 hours

I've been trying to avoid this for as long as possible, but the time has come that if I do not add another entry here, I might as well turn it off all together - so here goes you'll have to let me know what your thoughts are if it should continue......

The room is different and the people there are different. I'm not sure how different, but it is different. For one the room is different - it's smaller and there are not as many chairs. The staff is different too - there are not as many people and the way they carry themselves is much different. Even the time of day is different - now I go in the afternoon rather than the morning.

After I spent 12 days in the hospital, 10 in ICU and 2 in step-down, the doctor wanted to change things up a little. He changed a lot of things, the location, my medications, the time of day, even the doctor that I see. All of them seem to have made a difference - but things are different. After 3 weeks, I know things are different, I am just still trying to figure out if they are different in a good way or bad.

I am looking at it as I only have to be there for 3 1/2 hours, well, it's actually a little more with the hook-up and disconnect it ends up being about 4 hours - but I still only look at it as about 3 1/2 hours, I guess it's the optimist in me. I get to dissolve into life and watch a 6 inch TV, listen to other patients talk to the TV or even catch a little shut-eye at times on good days, either way you look at it I do feel better and do not have the head aches like I did before.

It surprises me that I look at things the way I do now, I had quite an experience while I was in the hospital - which will have to wait for another entry or most likely a face to face conversation. Its too long to put here, but lets just say it involves hallucinations and even being "leathered-down" everyone who came to visit me had the enjoyment of listening to me rattle off the experience while I was a little drugged up which probably made it that much more enjoyable to listen to.

I know I have changed since my 12 day stay at Riverside, I just hope I have not lost whatever I had before. Things have also influenced me since things have changed with my chair time, but like I have told my new techs - it's only 3 1/2 hours...

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